procfetch is a command-line tool to fetch system information and display it on the screen.
It is written in <tt>C++</tt>.
Project inspiration : <tt>neofetch</tt> - a command line system information tool
Information displayed by procfetch
Static characteristics
- Host (User)
- Kernel
- OS
- Shell
- Desktop Enviroment
- Resolution
- Theme
- Icons
- GPU (Integrated & Dedicated)
- Package count
Dynamic characteristics
The following versions or newer are required.
for building
- GNU getopt - 2.37.2
- GNU Make - 4.3
- GCC - 13.2.0 or Clang - 15.0.0
for macOS, You can install gnu-getopt by runnning the following command.
$ brew install gnu-getopt
for generating API documents
- Doxygen - 1.9.1
- Graphviz -2.43.0
for contributing
for generating gif
See the documentation
For Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc..
Download .deb packages from release page.
$ brew tap TanmayPatil105/tap
$ git clone https://github.com/TanmayPatil105/procfetch.git; cd procfetch
to show version
to change color of ascii_art
to change print ascii_art of different distros
to display battery percentage
Add the following lines to your .bash_profile
, .bashrc
or .zshrc
to customise procfetch
# print default ascii art of Manjaro
alias procfetch="procfetch -d Manjaro"
# print default ascii art of Kali with color cyan
alias procfetch="procfetch -d Kali -a cyan"
# print battery percentage
alias procfetch="procfetch -b"
Define environment variable PROCFETCH
in the actual project home directory.
$ PROCFETCH=$HOME/procfetch
Build Docker image
$ docker build -t procfetch .
Build with Docker container
$ docker run --rm -v $PROCFETCH:/procfetch -w /procfetch procfetch make
Run with Docker container
$ docker run --rm -v $PROCFETCH:/procfetch -w /procfetch procfetch make run
Test with Docker container
$ docker run --rm -v $PROCFETCH:/procfetch -w /procfetch procfetch make check
Make sure reading Contributing.md before Contributing